Mahogany Wood Stain Removed from Carpet (Carpet cleaning Cape Cod-Marion-Plymouth)

Here are before and after pictures from a recent job.  There was a water leak that resulted in the finish from the mahogany used in this billiard room transferring to the wall-to-wall carpet.  There were two areas primarily affected, the most heavily stained seen in the pictures, but there were also a number of smaller […] Read more »

When Buying a Rug, There Are Some to Avoid (Rug Cleaning Cape Cod-Marion-Plymouth)

In the not too distant past, while there were, and still are, varying degrees of quality and price, purchasing an area rug meant it would most likely be constructed of wool.  That is no longer true.  Inexpensive rugs made of synthetic materials have changed the market for rug buying.  Although these “new” rugs are seen […] Read more »

What to Expect With Rug Cleaning (Rug Cleaning Cape Cod-Marion-Plymouth)

Rug cleaning is a bit different from carpet cleaning and requires a different process to complete a thorough cleaning. Ideally, rugs are removed from the home and cleaned at an appropriate off-site location, referred to as a rug cleaning plant.  Some rug cleaning plants are large and have the capacity to clean a great number […] Read more »